دعا مودهكن رزقى/ ككاياءن

وبارك لنا اللهم في جمع كسبنا وحل عقودالعسر يا يوه ارمخت

اللهم ربنا انزل علينا مائدة من السماء تكون لناعدا لاولنا واخرنا واية منك وازقنا وانت خيرالرازقين

اللهم ان كان رزقنا فى السماء فانزله وان كان رزقنا فى الارض فاخرجه وان كان رزقنا فى الماء والبحر فاطلعه

وان كان رزقنا قليلا فاكثره وان كان رزقنا بعيدا فقربه وان كان رزقنا عاسرا فيسرلنا

ولتنقلنا اليه حيث ماكان بفضلك وجودك وكرمك برحمتك ياارحم الراحمين .

Wahai Tuhan Kami, turunkanlah kepada kami rezqi dari langit untuk kami lazimkan bagi awal hidup kami dan akhir hidup kami dari ayat ayatMu dan berilah kami rezqi dan hanyalah Dikau sebaik baik Pemberi Rezqi

Ya Allah, apabila rezqi kami di langit, maka turunkanlah, dan apabila rezqi kami dari dalam bumi, maka keluarkanlah, dan apabila rezqi kami di dalam air dan di laut maka angkatkanlah, dan apabila rezqi kami itu jauh, maka dekatkanlah. Apabila rezqi kami sedikit maka perbanyakkanlah. Apabila rezqi kami sukar, maka permudahkanlah.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tennessee family home burns while firefighters watch

Vicky Bell's home after it was destroyed by a fire
A Tennessee couple helplessly watched their home burn to the ground, along with all of their possessions, because they did not pay a $75 annual fee to the local fire department. Vicky Bell told the NBC affiliate WPSD-TV that she called 911 when her mobile home in Obion County caught fire. Firefighters arrived on the scene but as the fire raged, they simply stood by and did nothing. "In an emergency, the first thing you think of, 'Call 9-1-1," homeowner Bell said. However, Bell and her husband were forced to walk into the burning home in an attempt to retrieve their own belongings. "You could look out my mom's trailer and see the trucks sitting at a distance," Bell said. "We just wished we could've gotten more out."

South Fulton Mayor David Crocker defended the fire department, saying that if firefighters responded to non-subscribers, no one would have an incentive to pay the fee. Residents in the city of South Fulton receive the service automatically, but it is not extended to those living in the greater county-wide area.
"There's no way to go to every fire and keep up the manpower, the equipment, and just the funding for the fire department," Crocker said.
The South Fulton policy produced precisely the same nightmare scenario last year, when homeowner Gene Cranick--who had likewise failed to pay the $75 annual fee for rural Obion County residents--saw his house engulfed by flames as South Fulton firefighter watched close by. That incident sparked a debate among conservative pundits over the limits of fee-for-service approaches to government.
For his part, Mayor Crocker stressed that the city's  firefighters will help people in danger, even those who haven't paid the fee. "After the last situation, I would hope that everybody would be well aware of the rural fire fees, this time," Crocker said.

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